Thursday 26 August 2010

on the street ,harajuku

↑click photo to see more details.

She came from Osaka with her boyfriend
as a summer holiday.


What she wanna do in the future is
'something make evoryone be happy'


Anyuta said...

LOVE her bag!!!!! Very FISHY!!!

thwany said...

cute bag

Anonymous said...

Fab. The dress is gorgous in silhouette and colorway.The bag in fish-shape is amusing and a stylish detail.

LoggerHeads with SuAnn said...

Oh wow! That bag is really COOL! I think she is very cool too! It is great that you talk to them abt themselves and their life!

María José said...

Oh,I live in Kobe and once saw her on the Hankyu train dressed exactly like this!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't keep my eyes off her!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this outfit!
so original...

much love.

The Covetist